I hope you are as excited as we are at Micro Focus with the announcement to take our annual user conference online to become Micro Focus Live. But as excited as we all are, many users have expressed the same curiosity to me over the past few days - what is this event going to look like?! What is the interaction going to be?
Not many of us seem to have attended this kind of online event before. Infact, when we made the decision to move online, and looked outside to see who else has done anything similar there were only a handful of examples of a 100% online event! I have to admit this challenge was another driving factor for the MFL team at Micro Focus.
Although we are still finalising some of the finer details of the online event platform and its features, I can tell you this is going to be unlike anything we have brought to you before. I am not going to spill all the beans here, but I can sure drop some clues and keep you posted over the next 7 weeks.
So let's get you started - since you are reading this you must have already discovered the blog. This is a good time to book mark it if you haven't done so already. My colleagues and I will be posting to this blog regularly to keep you updated on all the latest developments.
But then if you are a twitter user, you can follow micro focus at @microfocus. The blog posts automatically feed into the microfocus twitter feed. If you are tweeting about Micro Focus live, dont forget to include the hash tag - #MFL09.
Do you prefer using Linked-in? Why don't you join us at our Linked-in Group: http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/894727. Linked-in is our discussion joint, where you can ask questions and participate in discussions as well as stay upto date through the news feeds.
And finally, why not subscribe to our YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/microfocuslive. We will be updating this channel constantly with videos providing you with updates on the latest news from Micro Focus.
I have to add that this is only the beginning! There is a lot more to come (wait till we get to the actual live event!), and there is a host of other features planned which will put you in the driving seat to experience MFL.
See you between May 11-13 - where we will be delivering all the on-demand and live content direct to you desktop!