Micro Focus | Supportline

There are a number of great analyst presentations at Micro Focus Live but one of my favorites is the one by David Chappell. David is well known as an industry commentator and has spent a lot of time looking at Cloud platforms and potential impacts. 

He made a lot of comments that I thought were fascinating, a few of the highlights:

  • In the last 50 years, there have been 5 major platforms from mainframe to distributed. The 6th major platform is just emerging – The Cloud
  • There is a major challenge for internal IT groups – the Data Center is a bottleneck “Internal IT is about to be faced by a massive competitor, the like of which it’s never seen before.” (this could be the main message)
  • He identifies the major inhibitor to moving to the Cloud, based on his discussions with potential users as “security” – of applications and data. As he says “building trust will take time but if the incentives are big enough, that trust will be built” and compares the current state of Cloud-trustworthiness with where we were with outsourcing 30 years ago.
  • “COBOL in the Cloud has a beautiful poetry” (My favorite quote!) The Cloud is being perceived as the “mainframe of the future” and having COBOL there is a beautiful fit.
  • He is sure that some part of every IT department’s future is in the Cloud and recommends actions to understand the potential issues & benefits.
In summary – “This is a great time to be in application development. The 6th platform is happening right now and it’s a great time to be in the application development business”

I recommend you view the session and let us know what you think via the Micro Focus Live forums


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