Micro Focus | Supportline

I've just been reviewing the first batch of on-demand recordings for the Micro Focus Live event. Considering we have over 60 sessions, 7 keynotes, 18 discussion panels (and a number of surprises) planned, creating and manging this content is a major effort.

In fact, it's pretty remarkable is that we can even try to do this. With such a geopgraphically dispersed team (I think we have contributions from every continent bar Antartica!), the ability to capture presentations (including slides, demos, audio and, for some, video) across the web, publish them from a common library and then to make it all available for free (for attendees) is staggering.

OK, is it TV or Hollywood broadcast quality? Perhaps not (although some of it definitely is). Is it full of good content delivered by technology experts not marketing talking heads? Absolutely yes. I think that is probably more important than delivering HD with 5.1 surround sound - but perhaps we'll try that next year (I can hear the sound of the project team leader falling off her chair as I write!)

If you haven't signed up yet, I'll repeat what I've said before - get registered now. There's no point waiting until the last minute. The first content starts getting published in the next couple of weeks so not long to wait now!

Photo: Flickr — Wiedmaier


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