Micro Focus | Supportline

As a "theme host" for the Micro Focus Live 09 conference, I've been pretty focussed on the developer-related topics that will be presented. I very excited about the amount of content we're delivering there - and mostly presented by our developers. Don't expect the most polished, professional oratory but do expect great technical content.

However, as we're getting closer to the launch date, I've been taking another look at the wider conference agenda and even I'm somewhat surprised but the variety of content that is being offered. For example:

  • Addressing the big business issues - reducing costs, addressing IT skills shortages, managing mergers & acquisitions, preparing for the potentially disruptive impact of "The Cloud" and more
  • Best practices of running development teams - e.g. SCRUM methodologies, lessons learned, etc.
  • Analysts providing their external view of the state of IT and the opportunities/challenges that coming.
  • Customers presenting their view of the business issues and how they've worked with a variety of Micro Focus tools, technologies and staff to solve their problems.
I'm not sure there is any other forum that could cover such a breadth and depth of content. Add to that the fact that it is a global event - we are preparing specific content targetted at different regions which will talk to local issues.

And don't forget the price - it's free!

All content will be available on-demand for registered users although some will be available "live" first with on-demand access afterwards. There will also be chances to interact with the team via live questions during panels and discussion rooms.

If you haven't taken a look, now is the time to visit the site and get on board.


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